I Ching Sphere 2: Zeroes and Ones

Zero We have to start somewhere, and zero is the perfect starting point.  Since I have that dreaded mathephobia disease, I am rather handicapped and cannot calculate huge numbers in a multitude of dimensions, I need to use a computer to do the grunt work.   Now, I may be blonde, but I'm no dummy.... Continue Reading →

I Ching Sphere 1: I Suck at Math

Heaven is high, the earth is low; thus the Creative and the Receptive are determined.  In correspondence with this difference between low and high, inferior and superior places are established. Movement and Rest have their definite laws; according to these, firm and yielding lines are differentiated. Events follow definite trends, each according to its nature.  Things are distinguished from... Continue Reading →

Pissed I tell you. Pissed!!!

Giang sơn nào anh hùng nấy (To each hero, his own realm) ~ Annon I was Pissed!!! I spent YEARS looking at the placement of the I Ching.  It was maddening in its complexity.  I tried this way.  I tried that way.  I stood on my head.  I looked at it upside down.  I spent countless... Continue Reading →

Haiku, Decidedly

Sometimes, the best stuff is not very fancy or expensive.  Sometimes, the best stuff is understated and barely registers at the conscious level of most people. I was looking for a perfume for this coming spring/summer season.  Yes, I know, we barely got out of the winter season (oh heck, who am I kidding, we're... Continue Reading →

I Ching: Made in Vietnam (Part 2)

SOMETIMES I FEEL SO BOXED IN!!!!   I have this almost unhealthy obsession to seek out so many things that are still existing at the razor sharp edge between the newly dogmatic accepted-truth and para-quasi-semi-fantasy-sci-fi-hallucinatory-magik-alchemy-mumbo-jumbo. It always starts off the same.  One moment, I'm looking through a magazine trying to pick out a new perfume... Continue Reading →

Âu Cơ (嫗姬) Royal Mother

In my previous post, I touched briefly on the story of Âu Cơ  and Lạc Long Quân, which I told in the style  with which it was presented to me as a child, namely that of a mythical fairy tale that did not have a basis on reality.  I certainly never believed that it could exist.  I just... Continue Reading →

I Ching: Made in Vietnam (Part 1)

The I Ching originated in Vietnam?  WOOOWWW!!! Talk about shattering the age-old glass of firmly entrenched and ancient ideology, this one takes the cake!  Does this claim have even a leg to stand on?  Is there any definitive proof?  But more importantly, do we even care any more, at this late date, what with knowledge... Continue Reading →

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